IFC - Roundtrip

Project management
Federal Ministry of Defence
Project period:
2019 - 2021

The Austrian Armed Forces (ÖBH) has commissioned a group of experts with the research project "IFC Roundtrip with Plan Graphics". The research group is made up of expert organisations (ODE Office for Digital Engineering, contractor and lead partner), technical universities (TU Vienna, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT) and software companies (Graphisoft, Bricsys and ESS EDV-Software-Service) and is supported by buildingSMART Austria.
For building owners, facility managers and planners, IFC Roundtrip means being able to process digital information further in the life cycle, exchange and process the building model between different software solutions and automatically derive the modified plan graphics (as-built plan, fire protection plan, escape route plan) without failing at the interfaces of different software manufacturers. The mechanical engineering industry has practically been doing this for 20 years, but it is still pending in the construction industry.

Text and visualisations ©ifc roundtrip & ode

BMLV: Federal Ministry of Defence, KIT: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, TU Vienna ISIS (Institute for Software Technology and Interactive Systems), buildingSMART Austria, TU Vienna BI.WBB (Institute for Materials Technology, Building Physics and Building Ecology), BricsCAD / ESS Villach, Graphisoft: Archicad,ÖIAV

Project partners